TADSAW SENDS ITS MOST SINCERE CONDOLENCES TO ED FLANDERS AND FAMILY, on the loss of Tosca (TADSAW SERVICE DOG) and her sister BELLE. Following are words from Tosca’s veteran and best friend, Ed Flanders.
She will be watching over Ed from afar. God bless you Ed and you family. You were truly blessed with most special girl (s).
From Ed Flanders:
“Saying goodbye is never easy…
Tosca gave a great fight but in the end, the cancer spread to her abdomen. It was a tough decision but the right one to make.
Tosca’s life started the same as any other housepet. Her days were full of laying on the couch or recliner(both no-no’s), sleeping until her heart was content and just waiting for us to return home from work. That all changed when she became my Service Dog in 2013.
Tosca did things that most animals don’t even know exist. She’s been to high school reunions, she’s been to Spurs games, hockey games, movies… even attended a movie premiere with the red carpet treatment. She partied in the French Quarter and received some beads… of course, she earned them!
She traveled all over the U.S. She comforted a Gold Star Family at Arlington National Cemetery, she shared love and wet kisses with wounded veterans in Florida and Texas. She proudly represented Train a Dog Save a Warrior in my home state of Louisiana to support legislation for service dogs. She mentored new service dogs in training and aided in their final assessment.
She literally saved my life! She restored my ability to trust people and allowed me to live again! Without her help, I would still be staring at the stranger in the mirror. My brain will never forget what my eyes have seen but thanks to her I am a little less jaded!
In the grand scheme of things, timing is everything!
Her sister, Belle, had been battling diabetes, thyroid imbalances and mastitis. Recently, she became completely blind. After consulting with our veterinarian, we decided she wasn’t a good candidate for cataract surgery due to her age and other diagnoses.
We decided to let them go the same way that they spent the last 9.5 years… together!
Our lives will never be the same!
I will love and miss you two, everyday. Until we meet again, rest easy… you definitely deserve it!”