Protocol for Application

Protocol for Application

Family pets may be used if they meet age, size and temperament requirements. Recently, a much needed boost to this modality was given when the Justice Department redefined regulations clarifying parts of 1990’s Americans with Disabilities Act.

To qualify as a service dog, the dog must be trained according to Americans’ Disabilities Act guidelines to do work or perform tasks for persons with MIADS. Dogs do not have to be formally trained by an ADI approved school.

Time Magazine quotes, “Walter Reed Medical Center and other military medical centers have started stationing dogs on hospital floors to help calm patients.” There are multiple organizations training dog to perform multiple tasks for wounded warriors. According to Jim Stanek, Paws and Stripes in Albuquerque, NM, “Your average service dog coming out of these agencies can do 82 different tasks. But if you’ve got a veteran whose main problem is MIADS, what does turning on a light switch do for him?

This is where we step in. According to Minnesota Senator Al Franken, “I really believe the dogs can provide tremendous benefits. The whole point of this is to measure in a scientifically valid way what the benefits are of service dogs to vets with psychological injuries and make a better life for these guys and women who have put everything on the line for us.

As many as 400,000 troops are possibly returning with the symptoms of MIADS. Dog partners have a tremendous stress reduction effect on their human partners as measured through cortisol levels, heart rate and blood pressure. These dogs can quite literally become a serviceman’s or servicewoman’s best friend.


  1. Recognize that you have MIADS and want something to help you restore and improve Your Quality of Life from what it is at the present.
  2. Make certain immediate family members and/or support system at home if any, will assist and support you in the program
  3. Talk to your doctors, case manager, advocate, etc to inform them of your desire to get a Support/Service dog.
  4. Call TADSAW at 210-643-2901 to discuss obtaining the application.
  5. The application will be sent via e-mail, fax, or snail mail within 24 hours – please notify us if not received promptly. Returning completed information can be via e-mail- fax or postal
  6. Complete the personal information pages (your part of the application) and return immediately to TADSAW/PFHF to start the process
  7. Take the appropriate pages to your doctor to have filled out and returned to TADSAW/PFHF
  8. Reference pages should be filled out and returned
  9. Make certain that you are committed to the training schedule and able follow the lessons, and if you are unable to attend, to notify TADSAW/PFHF immediately of not being able to show up due to health issues.
  10. If you have a personal dog to train, it must be evaluated by a TADSAW trainer for suitability/viability for the program. See one dog’s evaluation in the video below. Make sure dog’s health records, vaccinations, heartworm status are current and available to TADSAW prior to start of training.
  11. If needing a rescued Shelter Dog, you will have to fill out request and assure safety and well-being of the Dog. You are also required to sign Adoption Papers and agree to all terms of the agreement.
  12. You must realize that this is a very big and important change to your current lifestyle and remain committed to the program. All members of your household MUST be in agreement.
  13. Please ask questions at anytime, when/if something is not clear. Do not hesitate to contact TADSAW at anytime with questions or concerns – 210-643-2901.
Call Bart!