Today the Twenty-second of the month is the day to “Remember Your Battle Buddy” and to reach out and “Call & Check on your Buddy” !!!
Although it should be remembered everyday of every month, this date is especially important since it is the constant reminder of the TWENTY-TWO Veteran suicides daily.
WE all need to make a difference…. reaching out and making a phone call or an email to just one Veteran.
Now is the time to put your money where your thoughts are!!! Make a sustaining donation of $5 – or $10- or $22- OR Whatever you can afford and let the Veterans know you care by allowing the ‘Train a Dog – Save a Warrior’ (TADSAW) program the honor and privilege to train the Veteran as a member of the Medical Alert Service Dog TEAM!!!
This is the month of August….. Please let your feelings prevail and make a difference starting now or in September and continue until WE can say ZERO SUICIDES due to the horrors of war!!!